Sustainable Fish Farming

Dedicated stewardship
At Kefalonia Fisheries we understand that we are beholden to the ocean and we are responsible for its care. We work to make the gentlest impression possible and we strive every day to leave it to future generations in a better state than when we began. Our focus is on encouraging a cleaner, safer and healthier world for us all. Our clearly defined Environmental Policy is fully supported by all members of the company as well as the wider community.
Certification Schemes
ASC sea bass, sea bream and meagre standard
ASC chain of custody

Our entire production being certified according to the ASC standard for Sea bass, Sea bream and Meagre, we embrace the mission of the Aquaculture Stewardship Council, to continuously drive aquaculture towards environmental sustainability and social responsibility. Carrying the certificate dictates application of more than 150 performance indicators covering all stages in the production procedure. This mission is further implemented through the Chain of Custody certification, which covers each step in the supply chain, ensuring that all our products can be traced throughout the supply chain back to our ASC certified farming sites.
ASC website
ASC report 2020 in .pdf format
ASC report 2021 in .pdf format
ASC report 2022 in .pdf format
ASC report 2023 in .pdf format
Friend of the Sea

Kefalonia Fisheries is one of just 100 aquaculture producers certified according to the Friend of the Sea standard for Sustainable Seafood, ensuring that our entire production abides by the following criteria:
- no impact on critical habitats (e.g. mangroves, wetlands etc)
- full compliance with water and environmental quality parameters
- no use of harmful antifoulants, GMOs and growth hormones
- compliance with Social Accountability
- gradual reduction of escapes and bycatches to a negligible level
- sustainable feeds and feeding practices
Global G.A.P.

Global G.A.P. Aquaculture represents the worldwide standard for Good Aquaculture Practices at every stage of production. More specifically, Global G.A.P. Aquaculture strictly monitors compliance with laws, food safety, working conditions, animal welfare and environmental conservation. The entire production chain is covered, from brood stocks and fry to suppliers of feed and on to farming, harvesting and processing.
ISO 14001

ISO 14001 is a set of international standards which brings a focus to the environment, encouraging a cleaner, safer, healthier world for us all. It requires us to have a clearly defined Environmental Policy, fully supported by all members of the company as well as the wider community. Our policy ensures our full compliance with all Environmental Legislation and stresses our commitment to continuous improvement. These standards represent one of the most significant international initiatives for sustainable development and they apply to all of our products, services, activities, operations, facilities and transportation.