The story of Kefalonia Fisheries

Kefalonia Fisheries
In 1981, Marinos Geroulanos, a fourth generation Kefalonian, founded the very first farm for the production of European Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and Gilthead Sea Bream (Sparus aurata) in Kefalonia, Greece.
His aim was to preserve the traditional way of life of the island through an innovative and sustainable professional practice, namely aquaculture.
More than three decades later, Kefalonia Fisheries remains committed to excellence in the premium seafood markets. We strive to produce and deliver the freshest, highest quality Sea Bass and Sea Bream throughout the world.
At Kefalonia Fisheries we are passionate about creating the finest foods using traditional methods.
Our aim is to preserve the heritage, purity and unique flavor of the Mediterranean.
Tradition & Innovation
Being a leader sometimes means being the best at what everybody else does. Sometimes it means going against the flow.
Simply put, at Kefalonia Fisheries we believe in doing the right thing, in the best possible way:
At Kefalonia Fisheries we are dedicated to preserving the time-honoured way of life on a Greek island. We have been farmers and fishermen for generations and we raise our fish in the best of these two traditions. Our fish are raised naturally, slowly and with the utmost respect for the environment and their welfare.
That is not to say that we don’t use the most modern technology to monitor their environment and health. We believe that our consumers should know everything about where their food comes from and how it was raised.
Raising our fish is really a labour of love. The fish grow slowly, as nature intended. We do not use any additives or any other artificial means to speed up their growth. Their feed is specially formulated to match exactly what they would eat in the wild.
Preparing and offering our fish to the consumer is the result of great responsibility. The fish are packaged and transported using the finest and most up to date quality control systems.
We only make promises that we can honour. We have built our name based on the unwavering quality and freshness of our fish, a result of the care we put into all our relationships: with our customers first and foremost, but also with our suppliers, employees and our community.